Monday, June 20, 2011

Why don't more people tell physics jokes?

So, I've been thinking about Schroedinger and his cat a little bit over the past few days. I don't know why really. I'm going to explore it here.

Schroedinger's cat is a Thought Experiment to do with Quantum Physics. Heavy stuff, I know. Basically, Schroedinger proposes you put a cat in a box with a vial of poison and a Geiger counter. If the Geiger counter detects radiation, the poison vial breaks and kills the cat. No radiation, poison intact, cat stays alive. The point being, that until an observation is made one way or the other this closed system exists in both states at once; the poison is both intact and broken, cat both alive and dead.

I think I started thinking about this when I chucked a t-shirt on the other morning to head into the lab. I suddenly realised, even though I've had this shirt for ages, I never noticed that it is Schroedinger's cat. It's just a cat, but it seems to be created out of negative space - the outlines are white, and kind of dotted-line-ish. The things that would be shading usually are white. It has white pupils. It's a freaky effing cat when you finally pay attention to it. Anyway, the spots on this cat are multicoloured - red, green, yellow, blue. What the hell kind of cat is this? Well, the caption says it all. 'Philosophy Cat.' It's a cat that could be in any number of states at once, existing all at the same time, until someone makes an observation and decides what is going on. Schroedinger's Cat.

Realising this made me feel like a bit of a super nerd. How many people who bought this shirt at a young woman's clothing store would realise the greater implications of it? None of them, probably. I have a t-shirt which is a physics joke. Win.

So then, I started thinking about the concept. I think it's the state my life is in at the moment. I am existing in at least two different states at once and I need to make an observation, or somebody needs to make an observation, for me to collapse into one state or the other.

I am both married and not. I am both confident and a quivering mess. I am both sure of my future and completely unsure where it could turn. I am both lover and fighter. Intellectual and completely stupid. Asleep and awake. Alive and not-alive. Addicted and able to quit anytime.

I'm waiting for someone to make an observation. To see me for what I really am. I wish that person had been my Husband. I tried so hard to make it him. I tried to be the one he wanted to observe. But I'm just not and I've been lying about who I am for 3 years.

Wow. Heavy stuff for a Monday. I warned you. I can't believe this all came out from a t-shirt.


  1. I'm on FB chat more often lately... if you see me, hit me up. I love you, my fiery red lady.

  2. First, physics joke? Don't stop me if you've heard this one, it's a classic.

    The Pope, a bear, and a rowboat are out in the desert. The rowboat says to the Pope, "Holy father, you know the secret mysteries of the cosmos. What the heck causes gravity, anyway?" The Pope says mass.

    Second, love your avatar pic. You're quite a swell looker for a dame, you know that? Wait, that sounds like I'm a gay gangster.

    Third, I believe the key to the Schrodinger's Cat joke was that Schrodinger was having a bit of fun with the quantum theorists, who had talked of indeterminacy purely in relation to quantum-scale phenomena. I'm pretty sure Schrodinger was tweaking the ridiculousness of some interpretations of indeterminacy by blowing it up to macroscale, possibly killing a cat in the process. But the thought experiment has proved a fruitful and beautiful metaphor, for so many other purposes and things - as you prove here.

    I am so sorry to hear things have hit this point of crisis. I feel I can't offer any advice, except hold fast to what you've figured out already. You can never ever do another human being a favor by lying about who you are. It is in your power to be that observer. You are the only one who can collapse the indeterminate states that others perceive and measure into one definite entity.

  3. Lacrema: I love you my flaxen haired wench, I'm totally going to hit that. Up.

    Joe: *nods appreciatively*
    I don't think you sound gay. You sound like a gentleman and a scholar. You know, unless you *want* to sound like a gay gangster.

  4. Sooz. I love you.
    I relate so much to this.
    Except the cat part, I really don't understand how it's both alive and.....WAIT!!!
    I get it now.
    *is proud*
    *and relieved*
    There are many aspects of my life, big ones, that I am on the fence about. Things that I can't keep waiting for someone else to tell me about myself. So, you are not alone, I guess is my point.
    Also, I love the way you think.
